Employing a Driver ID system enables visibility of who is driving which vehicle, a key tool for businesses operating a pool of vehicles with multiple drivers.
Driver ID enables fleet operators to manage their resources and maintain their duty of care; linking driving licence records to ensure drivers only drive vehicles they are qualified for.
Driver ID ties vehicle activity information to the specific driver. A wide range of reports can be produced to give insight into vehicles driven and driver based timesheets.
Benefits of Driver ID:
- Gain real-time information about your driver’s activity
- Gain insights into vehicle activity and utilisation
- Automate your drivers’ timesheets
- Ensure drivers are carrying out work allocated to them
- Identify and reward efficient and safe drivers. Identify development opportunities in others.
- Be alerted when unidentified or unqualified drivers are operating your vehicles.
- Gain 100% visibility of your mobile workforce, helping to ensure maximum productivity.
- Instant Messaging to Drivers
*Driver ID is only available on ERA Essentials and ERA Advance feature bands.
*Hardware Driver ID is unavailable with self-install devices.

Dallas Key
- Industry standard
- Each key has a unique ID number
- Requires a receiver to be fitted to each vehicle

- RFID allows drivers to simply get in the vehicle and drive
- No damage to the vehicle
- Unique Driver Fob

Software Driver ID
- Available via Driver App, Trackinow’s configurable Vehicle Check App
- No Additional Hardware or Installation Costs
- Works with iOS & Android Smartphones
- Per Vehicle Basis (unlimited drivers)